首页 联合欧洲知名设计大咖 Paolo Pininfarina(保罗·宾尼法利纳)

Paolo Pininfarina(保罗·宾尼法利纳)


作为给法拉利、兰博基尼、马萨拉蒂、阿尔法罗米欧等经典超跑,以及凯迪拉克、劳斯莱斯、捷豹、标致、雪铁龙、宝马、三菱等设计车型,跨界建筑、空间、家具等领域的“无边界”设计师,Paolo Pininfarina已在全球完成了超过6000个项目。



Borderless Design

除了汽车设计领域,Paolo Pininfarina还涉足工业设计、建筑和室内设计、家具设计等等;1990年,Paolo pininfarina与意大利著名家具品牌Snaidero首次合作,一起重塑厨房空间,他打造的立体超豪华厨房Ola系列,融合了建筑的表现力,且高度符合人体工程学,一经亮相,就深受市场认可,成为人人称道的经典之作,前后获得芝加哥设计雅典娜博物馆的优秀设计奖、美国Home Magazine美国建筑产品奖等等。

In addition to automotive design, Paolo Pininfarina has also been involved in industrial design, architectural and interior design, furniture design and so on. In 1990, Paolo Pininfarina cooperated with Snaidero, a famous Italian furniture brand, for the first time to remodel kitchen space. His three-dimensional super-luxury kitchen Ola series, which combines architectural expressiveness and is highly ergonomic, once presented, is deep.




Borderless Design

除了汽车设计领域,Paolo Pininfarina还涉足工业设计、建筑和室内设计、家具设计等等;1990年,Paolo pininfarina与意大利著名家具品牌Snaidero首次合作,一起重塑厨房空间,他打造的立体超豪华厨房Ola系列,融合了建筑的表现力,且高度符合人体工程学,一经亮相,就深受市场认可,成为人人称道的经典之作,前后获得芝加哥设计雅典娜博物馆的优秀设计奖、美国Home Magazine美国建筑产品奖等等。

In addition to automotive design, Paolo Pininfarina has also been involved in industrial design, architectural and interior design, furniture design and so on. In 1990, Paolo Pininfarina cooperated with Snaidero, a famous Italian furniture brand, for the first time to remodel kitchen space. His three-dimensional super-luxury kitchen Ola series, which combines architectural expressiveness and is highly ergonomic, once presented, is deep.